2019 Pet Of The Year Orlando Magazine

Our handsome man, was the 2019 Pet of the Year and appeared on the cover of Orlando Magazine.

We are so proud to announce that Diego’s cover won the 2020 Florida Magazine Association’s Charlie Award for best cover!

A BIG TIME thank you to Catherine Walters & friends over at Orlando Magazine for choosing our little guy, Diego!

For us, it was defintely a shock for him to win, but at the same time, we know what kind of doggy we are dealing with here. Diego is a quiet, no drama, strong, humble french bulldog. He never barks, litterally. I think we heard him bark twice. The first time was in his sleep - yes during a dream - he even woke me up from mine. I didnt know what was going on since I had never heard that sound from him or any dog ever before.

The only other time I heard him bark was maybe a month or two later from that night in his sleep, and it was when he was downstairs... I caught him looking at his reflection in our glossy black subwoofer. Still not sure if he ever figured out who that was...lol


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