Sammy and Diego

Primary description

Our site is based on our two beloved French Bulldogs: Sammy and Diego. We try to incorporate them into our daily lives. We stay active, and wherever we go, we usually take them both (even Diego when he is able and it's not too hot!), and end up getting into so much fun! We've done our best to capture some stories, and even a couple of products we used (most impactful) on us along the way. So we hope through sharing via this online journal - we can make it a tad bit easier for the next pet parents, and maybe some of the head-scratchers we went through - were not all forgotten in the end! I am sure you will not stumble along this journey as much as we did :)

About Sammy and Diego

Sammy and Diego, two Floridian French Bulldogs currently snoozing in Central Florida. You can read more about them on their individual about Sammy and Diego pages.

The Sammy and Diego Doggie Blog was created to share the excitement and lessons we bring to our pawrents lives everyday. They love us the most in this world, and they didn’t have a clue what they were getting themselves into when they brought two puppies home on the same day. We are here to share our stories, good and bad, with the idea it may help other pawrents.

Their writing skills are more advanced than ours. We know they will do their best to articulate our experiences for this site as they happen.

Feel free to ask questions and share your feedback to all our posts. We are all here to share and learn (and laugh), as we get through times with our lovies, Sammy and Diego. Email:


Stay on top of Sammy & Diego's adventures and never miss out on new stories, videos and products.

Follow us @SammyandDiego