Diego, The French Bulldog

Let me tell you about the most sweetest little man - Diego. To start, he is the biggest 'foodie' I know. He is so chill and never breaks a sweat! He acts like he doesn't know what's up; but watch out! If you cut your pb&j sandwich with a knife, and leave it on your plate - like on the coffee table or something, Diego will be over in a flash! He'll be over and lick that peanut butter off that knife before you finish the last bite! Lol!

He'll wait til Sammy traps a frog or lizard, then - here comes Diego! He'll come running in and bump her outta the way with his big head! Then try to catch whatever she worked so hard on trapping! Ugh! it's non stop with these two. But we love it so much we are writing a blog about it!

Diego is also highly attentive and always watching his sister Sammy with one-eye open, even when he's 'sleeping'. Like most frenchie's, he snores when he sleeps - sometimes even while he is awake. How does he do that? I am not sure if it is his pulmonary stenosis, or his small nose canals... or if he has a dryer nose than most french bulldogs? We usually use a snout smoother.. works well for a few days to a week. With Diego we have to apply probably more often then most people do with their french bulldogs.

Diego, also makes those grunting sounds when he really wants you attention. He does it in different octaves too, so it's kinda like you're holding a primitive conversation with him. What else? Since he is a bulldog - once he is hooked on something, there is no diverting his attention! He is very determined and will not give up without a fight even though he is such a 'chill pill' most of the time.






    Raw food


    Hiatal hernias

    Pulmonary Stenosis

    Acid Refulx

    His left side has decreased pumping function

    Grade V murmurs

    Mi Amigos

    Frogs & Lizards

    People Friendly

    Absolutely, 100%

Q & A with Diego

What is your pet’s name?

A. Diego

How did you come up with the name, does it have any specific significance?

A. We were looking at a book, deciding on what to name him and when we both pointed at Diego at the exact same time!

How old is your pet?

A. Diego’s birthday is January 29, 2018.

When did you get your pet?

A. We got Diego (on the same day as Sammy) August 10, 2018.

What breed is your pet?

A. French Bulldog

Where did you get your pet?

A. Miami, FL

What is your pets’ favorite food?

A. I dont think there is anything he wont eat!

What is your pet’s favorite game?

A. Frog hunting at night!

What is your favorite thing to do together?

A. 100% Snuggle

Do you go outdoors? If yes, where is your favorite place to go together?

A. We live in Florida - so it gets really hot for Mr. Diego. During winter months he enjoys the outdoors a lot more. Favorite place is Food Trucks at Downtown Windermere, FL

What is a bad habit that your pet has?

A. Diego has a bad habit of eating poop. His poop, his sisters poop, poop just sitting in the grass. It’s gross and we’ll talk about that separately in a blog post.

What is the best thing about your pet?

A. Diego is extremely photogenic! He was put on this earth to be photographed.

What is the naughtiest thing your pet has ever done?

A. When we go outside, he typically will walk into any neighbors garage that is open, and check if the garage door to the house is propped open.. And go into the house and start looking for cat/dog food and start eating it! He is on a special diet. He gets sick!!

What is the funniest memory involving your pet?

A. There are lots - but the one that comes to mind first, is when I came out into the back patio and saw a lizard hanging from Diego’s mouth. I said “No, leave it” (Our command word for drop it), but after I got closer, the lizard bit onto Diego. Onto his lip and Diego didnt know what to do!! Hahah I have a clip of Diego being bit by a lizard. See the video here!

What is the best memory involving your pet?

A. The best memory is when we sent Sammy to doggie k9 training and Diego had the house all to himself. He really came out of his shell when Sam was gone. I was surprised how much personality he had. He started doing things he never did when Sammy was here. She is the spark plug of the two. So she can be a tad overshadowing for attention.

What is the hardest thing about being a pet owner?

A. Being a pet owner - a owner of two French Bulldogs, Diego has a grade 5 heart palpitation - so his diet and what he can eat and keep down is a careful situation at home - especially when his sister can eat anything and be fine.

What is the most rewarding thing about being a pet owner?

A. Diego gives so much love! He is very loyal and your best friend if you just give him a chance.

Does your pet have a nickname and what is it?

A. Buddy Boy, Diegosh, “Our Big Strong Man”, Old Man Snoozer, Inspector Diego

Have you ever thought your pet any tricks if so, what?

A. No, Diego is not the trick type of dog. He shines in so many other ways!

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