Sammy, The French Bulldog

Our little chicha, Sammy. We call her 'Miss Independent" She does not have it as hard, health-wise as Diego does... She is actually the opposite. Her full name is Sammy McBeth. She comes from a lineage of Champion Bulldogs. She has some some accolades herself, she received AKC All-Star Puppy, and others.

She gets a tad temperamental and for some reason doesnt not like to be contrained around other dogs or have other dogs conratained around her. She has made runners jump off the side of the road when we drove past them, her bark sometimes sounds like a single dogfight, or a dog that got ran over by a car and is helpless. I come to believe sometimes that what is a blessing, is also a curse, and with her that is very ture. We've learned our lessons our time with her and that is why we use and reccomend the herm springer collar for french bulldogs.She is the best dog around our family and home, and I bet people would not even think it was the same dog if they saw her in her own setting. We will talk more about French Bulldog outburts in a separate article.

Sammy loves to go on her walks and for the most part does not like to be inside at all on sunny Florida days. Sometimes, she just wants to hunts lizards on every walk, so instead we will take her to a larger dog dogpark - the way she runs, I'm telling you she is a pro athelete. She has almost caught squirrels from a dead start. So she just needs a bigger space.

We'll take a giant dog cable or if you have enough room - connect two dog tie outs together and attach it to this spiral ground anchor. We can have Diego off leash (bc he is not running away fast) and throw frisbee or football and Sammy can just run around like she is free. Trust me, she is not getting away from this anchor and cable. It's Sammy, the Frenchie tough!


    Fawn with Brendle




    Raw food


    Professional Athlete

    Plays with

    Frogs, Lizards, Squirrels

    People Friendly

    Not unless she knows ya

Q & A with The Samster

What is your pet’s name?

A. Sammy

How did you come up with the name, does it have any specific significance?

A. We were thinking of names that ended in "y" or "ie. I forget who said it first, but Sammy turned out to stick. We love our Sammy!

How old is your pet?

A. Sammy's birthday is May 29, 2018.

When did you get your pet?

A. We got Sammy (on the same day as Diego) August 10, 2018.

What breed is your pet?

A. French Bulldog

Where did you get your pet?

A. Ocala, FL

What is your pets’ favorite food?

A. Sammy loves fruit! Blueberries, Strawberries, Apples, Pineapple, Rasberries. She doesnt like a lot of vegatables.

What is your pet’s favorite game?

A. Lizard hunting! She is a professional doggy lizard hunter - I promise. She'll catch 2-3 on our walks. Keep the nighborhood lizard population under control. She doesnt eat them - unlike her brother Diego!!

What is your favorite thing to do together?

A. Go on hoverwalks or to the dog park where she can chase squirrels.

Do you go outdoors? If yes, where is your favorite place to go together?

A. Sammy loves the outdoors!! The lake, dogpark, bike rides, scooter rides, hoverboard rides, chasing lizards on the back patio, or playing in the back yard with the nieghbors dogs. We've learned our lesson taking her to crowded public places (she has bad outburts, we'll get into that in a post)

What is a bad habit that your pet has?

A. Sammy has the worst car outbursts. We have car seats (for both dogs) and one time, she was strapped into the car seat by her harness - I had the window down all the way in the back seat (behind the driver) - she went so crazy: screaming, barking, jumping up and down so bad at a dog that was being walked down the sidewalk, that she jumped out of the back window. As soon I realized what happened, I stepped on the brakes, and looked back. She was hanging out of the back window like a paratrooper hung up in tree branches - just hanging there waiting to be saved.

What is the best thing about your pet?

A. She is the fastest french bulldog in Central Florida. Maybe the entire state. She is pro athelete fast. She's almost caught a squirrel on a few occasions.

What is the naughtiest thing your pet has ever done?

A. When we go outside - out back behind our patio fence there is an area for her to go pee, and do her business. She takes advantage of this offleash time and has cut the corner of the tomehome building and runs around front chasing owners and their dogs down the sidewalk. Ive had to catch her few times, she is getting so fast - I dont know how much longer I can keep up with her - and catch her.

What is the funniest memory involving your pet?

A. Sammy is a bit more serious than Diego. I had to think about this one.. It might be when she tried to hump our nieghbors dog - he is a male pitbull. We looked up what it means when she tries to hump other dogs - and it said it was a jesture of dominance.

What is the best memory involving your pet?

A. There are a lot of memories me and Sammy have together. The best one memory I have is: we gave her a femur bone to chew one. This bone was almost as long as she was.. I gave it to her in the back patio, and she chewed it for some time, then decided she wanted to bury it. She dug up this potted plant I had in the back and tried bury it in there. I came out and saw it as plain as day. Then I said "this is not hiding your bone, girl", she looked atr me, I handed the dirty bone back to her and she took it in the house - dirty boen with dirt covered all over it. She went upstairs, into one of the spare rooms, into mommies boxes and buried it in under pictures, and cd's. I got it from her and said "this is not a good place either." I wa sbusying doing something, and I got the boen out, gave it back to her and went back to what I was doing. She then went onto our made bed, and buried it under my pillow. It took me a while to find it. "Nice, hiding spot, Samster."

What is the hardest thing about being a pet owner?

A. Being Sammy's owner? The hardest thing is holding her back on hoverboard rides, at other dogs as they are on the opposite sidewalk barking at each other, meanwhile Sammy is playing koy and waits til I am not ready and longes out - sometimes yanking the leash from my hands!! Or when she is in the car with the window down, and we pass a biker on the side of the road and she goes ape shit, one time I swear a biker almost wrecked into the side of the road becasue of her! She is ferocious when she is constained or other dogs people are constrainded as well or using power equipment. This would be your typical weed whackers, blowers, lawn mowers, or trimmers.

What is the most rewarding thing about being a pet owner?

A. Sammy is the BIGGEST sweetheart! You probaby cant tell if you meet her in public, because she has her guard up. But palying with her around the house - you couldnt ask for a better dog.

Does your pet have a nickname and what is it?

A. Samster, Sammers, Sam-Sam, Sammy-Sammy, Miss Independent, Mighty Mouse or just Crazy.

Have you ever thought your pet any tricks if so, what?

A. Yes, Sammy has a couple tricks up her sleeve. None, of which she has retained that we taught her or from dog training except for sit, down. She can heel but you gotta be strong with her. Most of her tricks involve incredible vertical jumps, I've measured her jumps at over 36 inches!! That's over 3 ft, effortlessly.

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